Intergenerational Worship

Rock Solid will begin at 6:00pm with a time for worship for everyone--kids and adults alike. The music, movement, and message will be energetic and very kid friendly. This time of worship is designed to help everyone engage with the main point of the evening and to have a great time celebrating our love for Jesus together. After worship, we'll enjoy a great meal together at 6:45 in the Fellowship Hall. Come and join us for worship as we help ALL people discover Jesus' love for them and the WHOLE world!

Affinity Groups

During our 6 weeks of Rock Solid, all participants--kids and adults alike--will have a chance to join an affinity group. These groups will take place immediately following the evening meal. Groups range from sports and games to groups for learning a new skill and growing together in God's Word. You are invited to join any one of the groups and don't worry you will have a chance to engage with multiple groups over the 7 weeks of Rock Solid. Go ahead and sign up for your affinity group on the online form below! Here are our current options:

Bible Study                          Book Club                                  

Choir                                     Band

Card Game/Cooking

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